NOTE: this meeting was at 2:00 PM EST instead of 1:00 PM EST The audio recording is at
Author: weldingt
Weld-Ed Meeting-7 May
Weld-Ed has a weekly meeting for welding instructors online. If you are not a Weld-Ed member, check out their information at and contact them about their meeting.
Resource for Learning to Teach Online
I teach at a High School and am a new teacher. I have been messing with “online” content for many years. In the past I have taken the “Quality Matters” course and performed a great deal of self study related to teaching but I have much to learn. I was recently sent an email by…
Do you weld with you with your students.
I was wondering how many weld with thier students whenever possible. As I go through the day at school, I like to weld with them whenever possible. Not necessarily as a “let me show you” but more of a relaxing way to spend a few minutes doing something you enjoy with a student who has…
Recordings from Welding Instructor Meeting 22 April 2020
We had a great meeting with both the American Welding Society Presenting information about their educator resources and online content and also Jody Collier from discussing his experience with making videos. The audio is at and the video is at
The Pad Weld
The PAD Weld The post below is a slight revision of a post from my site. I will identify the additions by italic and they will mainly be related to my additional experience as a High School Welding Teacher which started in the Fall of 2019. I have been blessed! One of the 1st…
Recordings of 15 April 2020 Meeting
The meeting on 15 April was a great meeting in my opinion. We met a few new people, re-visited a few past topics, and talked about some new ones.
Welding Practice At Home
Our current situation really limits or ability to teach people to weld. However that doesn’t mean we can’t build some skill. In the video below, I show using a ball point pen in a GTAW torch. I talk a little about my theories on this. May be worth a look.
ICEV Online
I just got off the phone with a company that has an online LMS with existing CTE content including welding. It will work with existing LMS’s or as a standalone. You can sign up to check it out by sending a request to Their pricing after CORVID-19 was pretty decent too with the option…
This is my 1st post on this new site dedicated to sharing information with other welding instructors. There is a great deal of great information out there that we can all use and this site is intended as a resource for consolidating that information in one location. This will also serve as a platform for…