The 2022 Welding instructors conference has been confirmed to happen June 13-17th . If you are planning on attending please register by the 7th of June.
We will have 5 days with different areas of interest each day. These will consist of the following.
I am working on some vendors to attend and a few speakers however it may just be a bunch of welding teachers.
Monday- Classroom/Theory Training Discussion and workshop-$60.00 Register Here . We will talk about teaching methods for both theory and shop skills with a focus on what theory topics we feel are essential and useful to our students.
Tuesday-Shop-Hands on welding training workshop$60.00 Register Here. We will share welding techniques and methods for assisting students progress forward.
Wed- Inspection and NDE Workshop $60 Register Here . This day will consist of reviewing visual inspection requirements for various codes and standards as compared training practices.
Thursday- How TO- Welder Performance Qualification and pWPS’s $60.00 Register Here . We will focus on the requirements for the AWS Certified Welder Program and welder performance qualification in accordance with various industry standards. We will alsoprepare the necessary paperwork for individuals in interested in taking an AWS Certified Welder Test on Friday.
Friday-AWS Certified Welder Testing for any instructor needing an AWS Certified Welder Credential for Licensing or PD purposes.
Testing Only (Did not participate in two other sessions)-$120-Register Here
Testing with purchase of two other sessions. $60.00 Register Here
2021 Attendees who attended testing during that session do not need to pay to test.