Welder Qualification Testing and Certification.
This meeting was an introduction to concepts related to welder performance qualification testing. This was intended to be centered around the requirements of AWS D1.1 but instead discusses general considerations related to the subject. There is noise in the audio. Sorry. The audio only file is not uploaded as of this writing.
Here is the link for the meeting . https://youtu.be/1qpPyCkZHXc
Topics Covered
- When is Welder Testing Required
- Who can Perform Testing and Certification
- Is Welder Testing all that is Required
- What is a “Certified Welder”
- Further Training Options
- Questions and Answers
Who is this intended for?
This is intended for welding instructors who are involved with welder performance qualification testing or are interested in adding testing to their program. This is also intended as a preview of a of a more involved online course to be presented over the following few weeks.
Cost and Registration
This meeting was free.
The future training sessions may involve a fee of $25.00 per session which will also include access to the online LMS content which will include recordings of the sessions, learning materials including written materials, exercises with forms, and access to AWS D1.1 Prequalified WPS’s suitable for welder qualification testing per AWS D1.1.
Why a fee for the future meetings?
I need to work a little this summer as I have not gotten fully acclimated to teaching HS. If you are a HS teacher and need this information but cannot afford the fees for future sessions, we can make arrangements.
The future meetings with fees will only be for the ones related to welder testing and certification and not our regular meetings. .
Also, check out the link to a little quiz made with H5P about the subject. http://weldingclassroom.com/learning/the-certified-welder/certified-welder-quiz